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The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) requires municipalities to allow access to documents and personal information under their control and custody.

The Act enumerates exemptions that may apply to certain records resulting in refusing their disclosure.

The delay for the clerk to answer a demand is 30 days unless an extension is required.

Applicable fees

Regulation 823 of the Act lists all the fees that may apply to a request.

List of different fees
Application fee $5.00 to be paid when the demand is submitted
Search time for the records $7.50 for each 15 minutes spent by any person
Preparation of record for disclosure $7.50 for each 15 minutes spent by any person
Development of computer program or other method of producing a record from a machine readable record $15.00 for each 15 minutes spent by any person
Any additional costs in locating, retrieving, processing and copying the record Actual costs
Disks/CDs $10.00 each
Photocopying and computer print-outs $0.20 per page

Fees estimate

An estimate will be given to the requester if the fees should exceed $25.00. If fees exceed $100.00, a 50% deposit may be asked from the requester.

Appeal rights

The requester has the right to appeal the decision rendered by the clerk within 30 days from the notice of decision to the Information and Privacy Commissioner.  Appeal fees are $25 for a request for general records, $10 for a request to personal information and $10 for a request for correction of personal information.


Download the required pdfform to submit a request.

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