Over 4.7 million individuals reside within Hawkesbury’s 100 km radius. The Quebec market is less than 5 km away and accessible by way of the Long Sault Interprovincial Bridge. The Nation’s Capital is one hour away, as is Montreal. This favourably impacts Hawkesbury in accessing a highly mobile and qualified bilingual workforce to respond to any new or established business’ labour requirements.

The Prescott-Russell Employment Services Centre (CSEPR) offers a complete line of free programs and services to employers to help them with their hiring process. Member of the Employment Ontario network, the Centre supports employers by organizing recruitment days for massive hiring needs, granting of work subsidies and incentives, employee training subsidies as well as job posting and promotion. Furthermore, the CSEPR organizes an annual Job Fair in the spring to help pair employers and job seekers. Get more details on their programs and services by visiting the CSEPR website at csepr.ca or by calling 613-632-0179 or 1-800-668-5950.

Employment Ontario offers several initiatives to connect people looking for work with employers looking for workers.