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Alert message

As part of its emergency plan and eager to offer an effective tool of good quality to its citizens, the Town of Hawkesbury has acquired an alert and communication system service WITH NO USER FEE FOR THE CITIZENS.

This system is supported by the Telmatik contact center. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the system allows the Town to reach citizens in a timely fashion in order to keep them informed of any particular situation. Through this communication tool, citizens can receive a wide range of information such as: service interruptions, general notices, events and municipal activities along with notices of municipal meetings.

Citizens with a land telephone line are automatically entered in the Telmatik alert and communication service directory, apart from the citizens who have an unlisted telephone number.

If you do not have a land telephone line, you may register by accessing the link: (english widget URL) on our municipal website

The system also allows several registrations for the same address, according to the chosen type of communication (email, voicemail or text messaging). Customize your alerts according to your needs. We recommend that you access the above mentioned link to modify your types of communications.

The information provided during registration will be kept confidential and will be used for the alert service and emergency situations only.

You may unsubscribe from the alerts at any time, by deactivating your account.

The safety and security of our citizens remain our top priority.