collectes speciales en

Find below information on multiple special waste collections and events offered in the Town of Hawkesbury, including bulky waste collections, natural Christmas tree collections and the annual Household Hazardous Waste event.

encombrants en


Collections will take place the same day as the regular garbage and recycling collection for each route (see map) but will only take place during the special collection weeks indicated on the calendar. Restricted to 2 accepted items/ household per collection, the equivalent of a total of 12 items per residence per year.

  • Six (6) collections during the year, each limited to 2 items per household.
  • Collections will take place the same day as the regular garbage collection but only during the six (6) special collection weeks indicated here (May 27 to 30 | June 24 to 27 | July 22 to 25 | August 26 to 29 | September 23 to 26 | October 21 to 24) and on the 2024 calendar (see below).
  • Limited to a list of accepted items published on the Town’s website.
  • Please first consider if items can be sold, donated, refurbished or recycled.
  • Electronics will be accepted items. Whenever possible, bring electronics directly to Recycle-Action or eligible return to retail drop-off locations for this recycling.
  • NO unlimited special collection for bulky waste in the spring anymore.

Click here to see the list of accepted items:

icone gros dechets PDF

Certain materials (electronics and select large, white packaging Styrofoam) can also be dropped off at a privately operated local depot Recycle-Action. This depot site does NOT accept Household Hazardous Waste.


 déchets dangereux en

See below for a list of hazardous waste accepted at this event.

icone ddd en

The next annual event will take place October 5th, 2024.

Between these annual collection events, certain types of hazardous waste, such as batteries and paint, can be returned for recycling at select retail locations participating in the provincial hazardous waste program. A list of these retail locations, and other special waste disposal options is published below as a pdf in the Special Waste section.

Other options to consider


Paint Recycling – Product Care :

Accepted products & pick-up service

Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map


Light bulbs
Light bulb Recycling – Product Care :

Accepted products & pick-up service

Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map


Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Other HHW Recycling – Product Care :

Accepted products & pick-up service

Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map


Batteries – Call 2 Recycle  :

Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map


RPRA – Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority 
Recycling Drop-Off Locations


Electronic waste

Ryse Solutions :

Recycling Drop-Off Locations

déchets spéciaux en

Some types of waste don’t easily fit into any given waste stream. When unsure of how to dispose of these odd types of waste, please consult our table of Special Waste Disposal Options below.

pdfWhere_to_drop_off_-_Disposal_options__EN_Hawkesbury.pdf232.45 KB

This table will help you properly dispose of these items, divert waste appropriately & help make our Town more sustainable!

sapins de noel en

During the month of January, natural Christmas trees can be placed at curbside during the Christmas tree collection period predetermined and published by the Town.

In 2024, these dates are January 5th & 19th.

All lights and decorations, including garlands, must be removed. The Christmas tree cannot be placed in a plastic bag. Christmas trees will not be collected during garbage collection. Artificial Christmas trees are not included in this collection.

calendrier collectes ordures en

 voir page FAQ en

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Learn more about the details of each waste collection stream by clicking on the corresponding image.