February 01, 2025

Le programmes de soutien aux organismes communautaires est maintenant disponible !

La Ville de Hawkesbury estime que la force d’une communauté réside dans la santé et le bien-être de ses résidents, elle met en place, chaque année, une initiative permettant d’appuyer les organismes communautaires sous différentes formes. Ce soutien vise à renforcer les liens entre la Ville et ces organismes. Les organismes sont invités à soumettre leur demande de soutien entre le 1er février et le 31 mars 2025. Le formulaire sera disponible au lien suivant : https://www.hawkesbury.ca/fr/loisirs-et-communaut%C3%A9/dans-ma-communaut%C3%A9/programme-de-soutien-aux-organismes.

January 17, 2025

Support Program is coming soon. Are you recognized?

The Town of Hawkesbury believes that the strength of a community lies in the health and well-being of its residents, it implements an annual initiative to support community organizations in various ways. This support aims to strengthen the ties between the Town and these organizations. Organizations are invited to submit their support applications between February 1 and March 31, 2025.  Before submitting a Support Program Application you need to be recognized by the Town,.  The process in ongoing until Februray 20, 2025.

December 08, 2024

A Festive Day in Hawkesbury: December 7 Recap

On December 7, Hawkesbury embraced the holiday spirit with two fantastic events that drew hundreds of residents and visitors. Let's talk about the Christmas Market and the Santa Claus Parade. 

December 06, 2024

A Look Back at Yesterday’s Vernissage in Hawkesbury!

Despite our first storm of the season, six brave participants came out to showcase their beautiful creations at the pop-up exhibit held at the Hawkesbury Sports Complex.  Their dedication and enthusiasm to share their creativity with the community truly brightened the day!

September 09, 2024

Arrival of Biciti+

A new application designed to give citizens easier access to municipal and community information